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- 학력/경력+ 더보기
[경력] 2021 .09 ~ | 서울아산병원 건강의학과 임상조교수
[경력] 2018 .09 ~ 2021 .08 | 서울아산병원 건강의학과 임상전임강사
[학력] 2013 .03 ~ 2015 .02 | 울산대학교 (의학 박사)
[학력] 2011 .03 ~ 2013 .02 | 울산대학교 (의학 석사)
- 학술활동
[논문] Association Between Muscle Quality Measured by Abdominal Computed Tomography and Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis 외 14편 + 더보기
[의학포스터] Fatty liver disease determines the progression of coronary artery calcification in a metabolically healthy obese population 외 1편 + 더보기
[연구발표] Implication of circulating irisin levels with brown adipose tissue and sarcopenia in humans 외 2편 + 더보기